Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day 2008

I feel like I'm getting a little preachy, and I don't mean to. Forgive me.

Today was World AIDS Day - as is always commemorated on Dec. 1st. Having personal experience working to fight the HIV virus that causes AIDS, I just wanted to raise awareness for this devastating disease. Actually, Baltimore, MD has the second worst infection rate in the US, and 90% of new infections are in the African American community.

There are many organizations out there that help people with AIDS, and through school, I've worked with one in Baltimore, called Moveable Feast, which makes and packages meals to people that can't do it themselves -either they are too sick, or have treatments, whatever it may be. It is a wonderful organization. I encourage everyone (including myself) to find organizations, and do what you can to help. Thanks!


mommanator said...

My daughter is a hospice nurse and works with some of the folk in the Baltimore area with Aids. Not enough is being done with this disease yet!

Virginia Gal said...

Yes I heard Maryland is the leading state for rising AIDS rates. I think what you are doing is amazing and let me know if you ever need help!