Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What the !?@$#@Q???????

I don't believe it. I can't believe it. Ted Kennedy is rolling over in his grave. I am absolutely stunned. MASSACHUSETTS for God's sake! Teddy Kennedy worked and was an advocate for health care in the United States and this upset by Republican Brown is dumbfounding.
Brown has been endorsed by the Tea Party fanatics and I just can't believe that people would vote for someone who they barely know. I'm so upset I can hardly type. What is going on in this country??? For 8 years this country was being sent down the tubes and in 12 months they want it all back to "normal." Well it doesn't work that way. Sorry! But you can't make substantial changes to this country without changing health care and jobs. Where were these crazy people when George Bush was sending us all over the world taking over countries? Where were these crazy people when he de-regulated the banks? Where were these crazy people when the line for the Republicans was "privitize privitize privitize!" Now look where that greedy mentality has gotten us. How does it feel now that people are out of work and can't AFFORD health care - how does it feel now that the rate of homeless children has steadily increased over the last year?? And people want quick fixes. Well, it isn't going to happen!!! The only thing Scott Brown is going to do is set us back another 25 years. I'm sick.


Virginia Gal said...

Amen to that sister! Ahsan and I both agree that people need to understand that President Obama has only been in office for one year and it took GW eight to screw up the country, Obama can't fix it that quickly!

I wonder though if this loss is more about the candidate the Dem's had, she seemed to have dropped the ball - what a mook!

I am sorry though for your beloved MA!

my mind wanders said...

Thanks Ub. I know you agree, and at this point, like minds are important!!!