Sunday, November 2, 2008

Canvassing in Pennsylvania

Yesterday I spent the day in Harrisburg Pennsylvania walking door to door in a Get Out The Vote effort for Barack Obama. I took two of my friends from work with me. None of us had ever done anything like that before, and it was awesome! We really felt like a part of something. We met some Obama supporters, some of which were just as excited as we were, and then we "met" some McCain supporters who treated us pretty badly actually. I got yelled at by a mother in front of her 12 year old daugher - "I'm so upset, I'm not voting at all!" - well, isn't that a great message to send.

In the end, we knocked on 204 doors, talked with 50 people, 40 of which were Obama supporters. There were Republican volunteers walking around too, the only way I knew was there were bags saying, "Vote Republican" on the door. My friend took them off the doors. :-) I didn't have courage to do that, but he said, "we're at war!"

After the long day, we drove back to Maryland feeling satisfied in doing something little to make a change.

By the way, last night I saw the movie, the Secret Life of Bees. I had read the book a long time ago, and that was probably a good thing, but I will say, that this was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. You know I am a sentimental and cheesy person, but it was a very moving movie with lots of layers. I highly recommend it!


mommanator said...

congrats on your job trying to get folk to vote

Anonymous said...

Well done, H! And well done to your friend for taking the Republican bags off the doors. I figure if they can play dirty, so can we!! (There was a report in the news yesterday about Republican mischief-makers putting up an official looking sign at the polling stations somewhere saying 'Republicans should vote on 4th November. Democrats should vote the day after.' Cheeky, cheeky!!)

Haven't had a chance to respond to your email - but just wanted to say thank you. It meant a lot.

Love you!

Virginia Gal said...

Your friend is so bad, but you know he is right, it is war!

You did awesome - PA for Obama, rock on H!!!

my mind wanders said...

Thanks everyone! OBAMA WON! SOOOO happy here! :-)