Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hi all, sorry for the lack of posts!  Let's start off with Pile of Craft.  :-)

My mom and I had a wonderful day.  We drove down to the Charles Village to St. John's Church.  Inside there were rooms and rooms of crafters - everything from jewelry to stuffed toys - glass works to knitted works.  Here are few pictures:

I picked up a few cards of crafters I really liked:

Check them out!  After the craft extravaganza, we went to lunch at Ms. Shirley's in Baltimore.  I love Ms. Shirley's.  Wonderful brunch/lunch joint - really good sandwiches and above all, the sweet potato fries.  Oh man.  I took a picture so you could see.  :-)

Second update:  the Weekend Warrior in me

So I've been very busy doing stuff around the house.  I finally got the kitchen, living room, and dining room walls painted - the beige is gone.  I've also been working on minor repairs and just finishing the unpacking process!  I set up my craft room, which I LOVE LOVE!  Anyhoo, it's been busy around here, and there is a big list of things to do (as I am sure there always will be), but I am enjoying my inner handy-woman! 

Here are some BEFORE pictures - I had to scrape three layers of paint off of the stairs - I really didn't want to paint a 4th layer on!  So I sanded and scraped, primed, and then painted.


This was Cooper's response as I was working yesterday:

Here is a pic of my craft room - ready for action!  PS- I made that sewing machine cover :-)

Third Update:  I also just finished teaching for CTY - Center for Talented Youth - for three weeks.  I taught 3rd and 4th graders a class called Through the Microscope for three weeks.  It was awesome, but I got hired the day before it started - it sort of dropped in my lap - which I was grateful for, but that meant a LOT of day-to-day prep and work.  I've never taught this class before, so I had to figure it out as I went.  I ended up getting great feedback, and the kids had lots of fun, I hope I can do it again next year!

So that is what I've been up to.  Having a great summer so far.  My tomatoes are growing, the heat is ridiculous, but Coop and I are staying cool.  I hope everyone out there is braving the heat as well!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so, so jealous of your craft room! Perhaps I'll come visit sometime...

Glad you're settling in well and seem to be enjoying home ownership after the trials of the first months!

Hugs to you, friend.

my mind wanders said...

AH Kate, I would SO SO SO LOVE for you to come and visit. I miss you! Thanks for the well wishes. It seems there are always trials and tribulations with the house, but I am so much happier having it than not. I hope you are well!

Virginia Gal said...

First off, I love the Cooper picture! Hilarious!

Second, I am so impressed with your DIY in the house, that is so amazing - those stairs look great and I LOVE your craft room!!!

Third, I gotta try that Ms. Shirley's, those fries look de-lish!