Sunday, May 9, 2010

Survival Mode

It's May and I'm in complete and utter survival mode. 

Dear God,
Please just let me get through the end of the year.
Much Love,

Seriously.  I'd rather not run through the list of things I have to do, or how I'm going to get it all done, but needless to say, I'm not sure it is humanly possible. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about teaching.  It is such an incredibly important thing to do.  Yes, I am actually calling it "important" - I'm not trying to boast or toot my own horn, but it is.  But it can also be so selfless that you forget to take time to nurture your self, not just your students.  This is when it gets hard.  Even though I am finishing my 5th year of teaching, I still (and this is unbelievable to me) find it very difficult to manage my time, get everything accomplished and feel successful - and when you are in a state of constant overwhelming, well, I start to think, "what am I doing?" and "why am I doing this?" and then you get to the even scarier question...."is it worth it?". 

And some days, I just don't know.  Don't get me wrong, I really do love my students, and I love my co-workers - that isn't the problem.  Sometimes I just lack the inspiration to do what I need to do everyday with a smile on my face.  And as a teacher, it is hard to have a bad day.  I have 54 students I am responsible to, and a bad, grumpy, irritated day can sabotage the precious time you actually have together.

Summer is coming soon, and it can't come soon enough.  I need the time to rejuvenate my spirit, to reinvigorate my heart, and heal from this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that you've touched the lives of some of your students in ways you'll never know. You do great work.

But make sure you take care of yourself too (yes, the pot is most definitely calling the kettle black!). Take the time you need to heal this summer.

And in the meantime, you're in my thoughts. xoxo