Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My new addition

Hi all,
Winston left for England and arrived safely last weekend. I still miss his BIG personality, and it was heart-breaking to see him go.  But I decided to get my own dog, and he arrived and we've been adjusting this week.  He is a 3 year old mut/mix and his name is Cooper.  He is sweet - he loves to be pet, play with his squeaky ball, and run, run, run! 

The last day of school - classes was today.  Tomorrow is Reading day, and then exams.  I can't believe the year is over!  It has been a good and tiring year.  For once, I am exhausted with my life, not my teaching life - does that make sense?  I've had so much happen in the last 5 months - I can barely wrap my head around it all.  But the school year - my teaching life - has been good.  I have felt the least in control, but you know what?  It's been ok!  Surprise!  :-)  Anyway, I am looking forward to summer, working on the house, and being with Cooper.

Thank you to all of my friends and family for their support, encouragement, and love over the last 5 months.  It means so much!


Virginia Gal said...

Thanks for posting pics of the dog, he is big! Wonder what his heritage is....

Get some rest my friend.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, H, he's gorgeous!!!

I hope you get some good rest now that the school year is nearly over. Enjoy the summer holidays!

Erika said...

Well, I am glad that I'm moving back so that I won't have to hear about cool stuff like YOUR DOG on the blog anymore, I can hear it in person! :) Congrats and can't wait to meet him.