After dinner and a sad attempt at mingling (which nobody really did), the nucleus went to the Stonewall Jackson Hotel lounge to chill. Now, this is not the same hotel that was here when we lived in Staunton, that's for sure. It was really nice with updated decor and a classy style. Anyway, after walking through the reception for VWIL, we got to the lounge and had a great time laughing, chatting, and unwinding from the reunion.
The next morning Katie and I headed back to MBC. I wanted to go to the chapel service at Miller Chapel and Katie walked around Staunton, took in some coffee and met up with her music professor Bob Allen. After the service, Ubah and I went with Pat Hunt, the chaplain at MBC, to get some coffee and talk. I think besides seeing the nucleus, seeing Pat and catching up was the best part of the weekend.
After some time for reflection and a crazy, hectic week, I am reminded how blessed I am for having such wonderful friends. Yes, Mary Baldwin is a small women's college nestled in the Shennandoah Valley. When we were there, there wasn't much to do outside of school and our friends. And as I look back, I am so grateful to have made the life-long friends I did there. They are my family, and I can't express how much they mean to me. So for that, I am eternally grateful to my alma mater.
Katie and I headed home and had a beautiful sunny drive back to D.C. I love that drive along I-81 through the valley with mountains on both sides and green pastures with the sun hitting them "just so." It was very peaceful. I dropped Katie off at her apartment and then this is where the interesting part begins. Then, I get stuck in Cherry Blossom Festival traffic. No kidding. It takes me about 3 more hours to get to Baltimore. I was stopped so often that I had a chance to take some really nice pictures out my car window. Here is a visual of what my trip looked like!
Can you see all the kites flying! It is by the Washington Monument.
From the George Washington Parkway which was stopped. The light was hitting the monument perfectly!
I am so envious of your time together at the reunion. I so wish I could have been there.
And THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! for the book and CD!!!!! I love coming home to packages. I look forward to spending more time with both of them this week.
sheesh (about the book) - Ub
oh good grief, it took you 3 hours to get home???!! well, at least you got some beautiful photos out of it. love the music you dubbed for me btw.
Oh Kate, I'm glad you got them! I know it's been a rough semester at times and I wanted to let you know I was thinking about you!
Ub, he he he. I had to! You know we only tease because we love.
Katie! So glad you like the music! We need to keep sharing!
Ah yes how pretty
how neat to be with long ago friends!
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