Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a week....

I have to share with my blogging friends that this has been one hell of a week. I spent most of the week at work - working 11 and 12 hour days. Needless to say, there were some highlights, like being offered a position to chair the interdisciplinary committee, and even though I was working hard at grading and lesson planning, I feel like I was at least preparing good, solid lessons. It always makes me feel good when a lesson is received well, it is fun and interesting and the girls seem to enjoy it. We are learning about body systems now, and for the girls, this is their favorite part of biology. Honestly, I think it is partly because they can relate it very easily to themselves, and as teenagers, this is what they are most concerned about at the moment. :-) Sometimes I just have to remember that they are teenagers and not the most mature adults I would like them to be. At the same time, there is a level of respect that I feel even 5 year old should have that some of these students don't.

With that in mind, let me tell you that my boss got an email from a parent saying essentially, "my daughter has had a rough year all year, and we have done everything we can, including her meeting regularly with Ms. Wilson, and as a family loving, supporting, and encouraging our daughter. We would like to talk to you about what a horrible time she is having in biology." There was more, but you get the jist. Meanwhile, she has come to see me once the entire semester, her grades have never deviated from the low 80's the entire year, she barely participates in class, has never sought out the Resource Center at school, the advisors don't know about this, I have never heard from these parents before, and this is the first I've heard of her "horrible experience." It is a low blow that has come out of nowhere. And what is interesting is my reaction. I am more hurt by this than others that have come my way. Why is "the family" waiting until mid-April to spring this on me? Not to mention they CC'ed my director, "who if appropriate, they would like to have in on this conversation." What is this???? It is hard for me to keep this in context because I have been struggling particularly with this class, and I KNOW there are others (all her friends who run the class) who feel the same way. I am tired of trying to get their attention, make them interested, make them think, and allow them to learn. If only they could see that their negativity is shooting them in the foot.

I must say, that this is very hard to take. I work my butt off and it seems that there is no appreciation from the people I want it from the most. It just sucks. At times I feel like I am in the same situation I was in at Dana-Farber. I know that my colleagues support me, and I have the support of my dept. chair and division director, but it isn't quite the same as support from the students.

What is really funny is that last week I got a thank you note from one of my seniors who wasn't a star student, struggled in my classes, but I wrote her a recommendation for college because she always tried so hard. Last night I read this note again, and honestly, it just made me sadder. I think because I had such a good year last year, I really connected with the students, I am going to be very sad to see them go.

I am putting this thank you note in this blog; not to boast, but to make me feel better and to remind myself that I am a good teacher and that this year, I really did get stuck with some bad apples.

Ms. Wilson,
I want to extend my greatest thanks to you for writing my college recommendations. I am delighted to say I was accepted at and will be attending my number one choice- Georgetown! I realize how much time and effort goes into writing the recs. I know you especially were bombarded, something I hope you took as a sign that your students felt like they thrived in your class and developed a close teacher-student relationship with you. I was lucky enough to have you in science for two years and in that time, I never felt timid about coming to you if I had a question or concern. In a short time you have established yourself as one of the most kind and passionate teachers in the school who truly cares about the students' well beings. Science has never been my forte but you made it an enjoyable experience. Thank you once again for the recommendations. I really appreciate everything you did for me.
Best wishes,


Kate said...

oh, h! what a week!!! i can't believe the nerve of that student and her parents! you know, when my dad was headmaster at a private school, he found the parents the most difficult to deal with - said he could understand exactly why the students behaved the way they did after talking to their parents. i wonder if there's some of that going on here. i'm so sorry you're having to deal with it, though.

i'm glad you're keeping in mind the good students, and that thank you note was so sweet. hang in there. the year is almost over. i wish i had some sage advice to offer you. just know that i'll be thinking of you. now go pour yourself a large glass of wine - you deserve it!!

love you, chica.

my mind wanders said...

Thanks Kate. That really helps. Hopefully thiss week will be better!

Virginia Gal said...

What a lovely thank you note!

As for the whiny student, I am appalled at her parents! I don't know about you, but when I was growing up my parents always sided with the teacher. If bad grades were brought home it was because I was not studying well enough. I HATE that these parents have taught this kid a very bad lesson, about how when you don't get what you want, its someone else's fault.

You know the more I write on this the more mad I get, how dare they?! After all the work you've done, and this girl AND her parents had no decency to come to you before - get real! I bet this girl wove some fantastical story about why her bio grades are not so high. Man, that is not cool! If this is the way she is going to behave in her junior year, all I can say is good luck in college!

my mind wanders said...

Thanks Ub! It turns out she was mad at me for something she claims I said to her first semester about photosynthesis. She has been stewing silently the entire year. I think we got it cleared up, but at the same time, I just don't care anymore. I can't wait for this year to be over.