Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back at it

So this week, life resumed as we all tried to get back to some semblance of "normal."  I have to admit, that it was difficult for me - plus, I think I'm coming down with a cold.  But beyond the physical difficulties, it has been so hard jumping back into teaching and wrapping my mind around all the immediate obligations and duties.  So many issues to deal with that sometimes I wish I could just ignore these pressing matters, but then they wouldn't be pressing, right?  With committee meetings, dealing with the all the changes to the schedule and pacing, grading, setting up labs we missed due to the snow, and just facing the kids - who are just as conflicted as I am, it was strange.  We all desperately wanted to be back - I think to see each other and catch up, but nobody wanted to DO anything.  What a strange two weeks.

Like this picture (from Blizzard #2) I feel a bit overwhelmed and in a fog, maybe I'm one of those snowflakes, blowing around.  Who knows.  All I do know is that hopefully soon, this snow will melt and summer will be here.

1 comment:

Virginia Gal said...

Good for you H! Exactly, like the snow, this too shall melt and sun will shine again. Perhaps do as I do, just one day at a time - hugs!