Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good friends, good times!

Last Wednesday I was so happy to get together with college friends and spend some time in DC. I met up with Kate in the morning and we went to Starbucks to catch up and stay cool. Even though it was 10am it was already a steamy summer day. We had a great time catching up, laughing and chatting. It was wonderful to renew those bonds that we shared so many years ago. We met up with Christina, Emanuel, Ubah and the girls and went to lunch at a restaurant on U street. Bronte was a charmer, Hywel was an adorable baby with no fussing and we talked and talked and talked. We had an appointment at 2:30 for a US Capitol Tour, so we headed off when our bellies were full.

Justin, Kate's husband met us at the Capitol and the tour was great because it was just the 8 of us. We learned a little history, saw some art, and got to sit in the House of Representatives Gallery. It was interesting because Congress was on it's August break, but the republicans were there pushing their energy bill - to no one. Literally. The only people there were interns and a few spectators like ourselves. No CSPAN. No cameras. Just congressmen/women talking to themselves with no one to debate or argue against them. So Ub and I took care of that in our own way and could help spewing rebuttals to almost everything they said. It was fun.
We left the Capitol and headed back to U street.

Our feet were hurting, the heat was getting to us, but we plodded through the sticky August haze and arrived at Saint X on 14th street. Katie met us there and we ate some delicious food. I mean delicious! We walked to Katies apartment and had a slice of spectacular peach pie (I want that recipe!!). Bronte entertained us with her percussion skills and we laughed, talked and talked some more.

All in all, it was a wonderful day and I am reminded again about how special every one of my friends is in my life - how important it is to maintain friendship throughout life - "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold." I am so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer Days.....

I could get used to this teacher thing. Yes, I'm admitting it; for those of you that say teachers are slackers and they are lucky to get the summer off, I say to you, my friends, you are right. The summer is a wonderful thing. I have freedom to adhere to my own self-prescribed schedule; I am not dictated by grading, planning, student impromptu meetings, faculty discussions, or researching the latest teaching techniques. I love it. Can't help it. I am tired of fighting people who tell me I have it made, that I have such an easy time.

But I will say, that I deserve it. Yep, that's right. During the school year, I take work home with me. I don't have the luxury of leaving it at the door. I have a deadline every day. I am responsible for standing in front of real human beings (yeah, I know!) and answering to them. They wait expectantly for me to deliver. They await the "teacher" with the "plan," knowing that I will present the task, the content, the material, the lab, something. Of course, that means I have to have "something" to present! Teachers are some of the hardest working professional I know.

But God love the summers. It is The Respite. The proverbial charging of the batteries, and the much needed mental holiday. I will tell you, that without the summer, I couldn't do my job. It would be impossible for anyone - I callenge anyone - to maintain the level of intensity, concentration, and preparation it takes for 12 months. You would see many more teachers in the mental institutions if that were the case.

Sorry about this rant, but I just had to get it off my chest. I love the summer, not for the weather, but for the freedom.

On a different note:
Yesterday, I went with two friends to Annapolis, MD. It was my birthday present to both of them. It was like a little mini vacation. We had a picnic at scenic Quiet Waters Park, then walked along West St. admiring artisans work and jewelry. In the afternoon we had Afternoon Tea at Reynolds Tea Room in Church Circle, and then took a boat ride to St. Thomas Point Lighthouse.